I haven't had a Mountain Dew in 22 days and I am hungry...which puts me in a bad mood. Noone wants to be around me right now, and I don't blame them. Even my
I don't know if I have lost any weight this week. I have been weighing on Mondays since my surgery was on a Monday. I haven't weighed today because I am afraid if I see no loss again this week it will push me over the edge.
My first fill is in 10 days. Pray for those around me until then...they are gonna need it.
In unrealted news... they are calling for a possible 1/2 inch of snow here tonight. Don't laugh, we have closed schools for less.
Toodles ya'll...I am off to do my snow dance. Wonder how many calories that will burn???
LOL only teachers do snow dances I know because I am an 8th grade teacher don't forget to throw ice cubes out of the window too! Sorry that you are in Hell! I will be soon! Surgery 12/28 if all goes well.
New to blogging could use some support strawberry-confession@blogspot.com thanks!
I hope you get a snow day! Sorry to hear it is tough right now, but at least you know that it is common for us bandsters to go through that period, just stay strong!!!
Hang tough, you can make it through bandster hell! Has it really been 3 weeks since your surgery already? Wow time does fly!
Just count the days until your fill... this is all part of the process (damn process).
I'm sorry, this is the hard part. It will get better, I promise! Just keep doing what you're doing and I'll do a snow dance with you! :)
This is the hard part, but please remember that you are still healing. The fill will help but you have to deal with the head hunger as well.
When you are hungry are you drinking water and waiting 20 minutes to see if you still are?
If you just have to eat something always, always make it protein in between meals, something that will count and keep you full!
I hope the time clicks away on those 10 days my dear!
You are officially in bandster hell... and it blows... hard. Just wait for the fill, it will get better, I promise!
I remember this time well. :) Just keep on keepin' on, ladybug!
To answer the question you asked on my blog....no the fill did not hurt. I had myself so anxious and worked up about it though, that the constipation I gave myself hurt! I didn't feel the needle going in, and I didn't feel the liquid as it filled. The barium was nasty, but not that big a deal.
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