Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love today....big ass tomorrow

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I hope even you Valentine's Day haters had a fabulous day.

I love, love, love Valentine's day! I always have. I love hearts. I love candy. I love chocolate. I love flowers. I love Cupid. I love chocolate. I love cutesy cards. I love chocolate. I love the color red. I love chocolate. I love the color pink. Did I mention I love chocolate??? I love love.

Unfortunately, all that lovin may show up on my ass tomorrow.

My day started off with this...white chocolate covered strawberries. Given to me by my assistant :)

I made these for my students...and of course I thought I should enjoy one each class period along with my students.

And then my lovely Bobby Hill gave me this...

When I got home The Rockstar gave me a lovely heart diamond necklace and this...

For dinner we went to Red Lobster...no worries there. I hate seafood. I took The Rockstar there because he LOVES seafood, but rarely gets it since mama don't likey. Of course after all the trash I ate today, I wasn't hungry anyway.

So there ya have it. I ate like crap today and I loved it.  I know I will pay for it, but (in my best Scarlet O'Hara voice)  I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.


Andrea said...

Sounds like a good Valentine's Day!

~Sandi @ This one time at 'band' camp... said...

Awesome day! I love love too! ;)

Lisa said...

Sounds like a fun day! I have to say I love chocolate too and was kinda happy I wasn't able to have any since I am still in post op liquids. I thought about blenderizing a piece of chocolate molten lava cake into soup tho. I won't lie! ;)

A.J. said...

You may eaten like crap but you did it with intention and awareness and enjoyment. That's legit. Happy V Day!

Sarah said...

I am loving the heart shaped biscuits for your class. Will definately do that for mine next time Valentine's is not in half term. xx

Reggie said...

I am glad you had such a nice Valentine's Day. Don't worry, Valentine's calories don't count.

Rhonda said...

Mmm, chocolaaaaate! I didn't get annny yesterday... lol

jennxaz said...

OMG chocolate covered strawberries are my favorite!

MandaPanda said...

OK. Now I want all that! Looks so good!

trishajo said...

LOL I SO read that last line in scarlett o'hara style and it SO made me laugh!!

them strawberries looked YUM!!!