Sunday, February 19, 2012

How can I get a restraining order???

I need to know how I can get a restarining order. I have stalkers. I was out and about yesterday and my stalkers were right there at every single place I went. They were lurking right by the doors when I went in, and still there when I came out. Yes, it's true....those damn Girl Scouts are stalking me!

I had to go to Urgent Care (I had Thrush...wth???) which is right beside Food Lion....they were there. Next, I went to Wal mart to grocery shop....they were there. After grocery shopping I went to pick up my prescriptions at the pharmacy...they were there. Finally, I went to a different grocery store (for an item Wally world doesn't carry), AND....yep, you guess it, they were there too!!! All day long those little cookie terrorists stalked me...and I didn't come home with even one single box :)


A.J. said...

Yuck!! On the thrush!! That's not cool.

Tina@The BanditGirl said...

Rock on, Rockband!!!!

speck said...

Yes, stay away from those cookies. You know if we buy the first box, we'll be going back.

Thanks gawd I only had my debit card and not cash when I saw them!

october 11 said...

I agree-they are everywhere!!

Vanessa said...

Girl scouts should be peddling protein shakes and oranges. Such a shitty message to young girls. And dammit I love those samoas and tag a longs....grrrrr. Stay strong.

Azmomo2andcounting said...

I actually ran away from the door I saw them at and went into another door the other day. On the way out I walked as far away from the door as possible and waited for a few people to exit the same time so the two little girls out there attacked them first. I truly hate store solicitation.

tz said...

congratulations! they are terrorists aren't they

Kelli said...

I hear you on this one! GS cookies are evil, evil....

MandaPanda said...

Yes!! I think we've been invaded!

trishajo said...

THIS. right here is why I refuse to be in public right now! lol

Rhonda said...

NSV. I have avoided them altogether this year, too! Pretty damn proud of us!