Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Potty Princess

I have been going to pee so much at work that the campus security person posted close to the bathrooms has dubbed me the Potty Princess. I go more than the very pregnant art teacher down the hall. This is what I had consumed by 11:00 this morning.

I just drink plain water, but I know a lot of y'all drink Crystal Light. I saw this in the grocery store this weekend. I may try it...have any of y'all had it??

In unrelated news...I have a job interview Thursday in a different school district. I haven't told anyone except The Rockstar. Gossip spreads like a bad case of herpes at my job, and the last thing I need is Lucifer finding out I am looking for another job right before my last evaluation. I'm a little nervous, but I always say...if it's meant to be, it will be.



Vanessa said...

water is my secret weapon!!!! Yay for the new job hunt! fingers crossed for you!

Jazzing up Jackie said...

I saw that appletini stuff and thought about getting it but I got a Mio instead. I might try it eventually. Congratulations and good luck on the interview!

~Miss Lorie~ said...

The one thing I've never struggled with is water! I just drink good ole' water too! I love it! (Though I used to be a Pepsi whore! Pre-surgery). Good for you I also have the same pee issues! ha ha ha!

Good luck on the interview!

Anonymous said...

Good luck at your interview!

jennxaz said...

Haven't tried it but sure looks perdy! Good luck on interview!

Melissa Wolf said...

I am BEYOND impressed about the water, girl! It is my biggest failing--I'm like a camel, I must have some secret stores of water in me b/c I'm never thirsty--but I know I have to do much much better in this area. Thanks for being a great role model!

Strawberry Confessions said...

Congrats on interview!

Lisa said...

eh - I actually prefer the regular flavors of Crystal Lite mixes versus their "mocktails". Not my faves but when I was on WW - I made the mojito version with some rum and it saved a lot on calories. Go YOU on the water tho!!!

Sarah said...

Good luck for your interview. I'm sure you'll be fabulous. xx

Nora said...

So has there ever been a GOOD case of herpes?

Kristin said...

Good luck on your interview.

I do not drink Crystal light as the aspartame in it caused me to crave carbs really badly.

I do use MIO however and I love it.

I drink over 100 ounces of it a day and It is my go too drink of choice. I drink skim milk and that is it, no juice of any kind and no soda!

tz said...

good luck on your interview! Water is awesome! I think every kid that comes in with a stomach ache or head ache I give the water lecture too. The kids now say as they come into the clinic, "nurse tracey, I've drunk all my water and I still have a headache"
I say, "drink more"

I'm such an evil nurse.

Rhonda said...

Good luck with the interview! :)

I'm the same way, I'm running for the bathroom at least every hour. lol