Friday, January 6, 2012


Duuuuuuuuudes….BYOC is back after a small holiday hiatus....thanks to the lovely gumdrop farting Draz

Yup, Bring Your Own Crazy returns! It is 5 little questions you can answer in your own blog to give your blogging brain a break and to get to know each other better.

Copy, paste and enjoy!

Let’s do a holiday/new year themed BYOC today!

1. How do you feel about NY resolutions? Do you make them? Do you forget about them quickly? Do they help you?

•I never make resolutions. This year I did set some "goals" but I do that throughout the year and not just at New Years. It does help me to set goals.

2. Did you put up a Christmas tree? How many? Is it still up?

• We had one tree. I, however, did NOT put it up. I am a big ole scrooge when it comes to decorating for the holidays. The Rockstar, on the other hand, loves to decorate for Christmas. He used to put up so many lights outside that I couldn't use the hairdryer if the lights were on...if I did it would trip breakers. My family called him Clark Griswold. Thank goodness his Clark days are over since the kids are grown.

Our tree is down and has been since the day after Christmas. I tried to talk The Rockstar into taking it down on Christmas day....don't judge, I like everything to be in its place.

3. How many total Christmases did you choose to have to attend outside of your home?

Three. We spent Christmas Eve at my mothers, Christmas day at home with just us, and the day after Christmas we went out of town to do Christmas with The Rockstar's family.

4. What are you most looking forward to this year?

Summer.....duh, I'm a teacher :)

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in real life and in blogland this week.

Real life is peachy at home and sucks at work. This week I have been cussed on a daily basis...even threatened. Yet, those kids are still sent right back to my room.

Blogland is great. I get so much inspiration for y'all. Even when y'all bitch and gripe about something it makes me feel better knowing that I am not the only one with jacked up family members, struggles with that damn scale not always moving, and sometimes just having a bad day for no reason.


♥ Drazil ♥ said...

I think I'd like to not put a tree up. Just once. Have a great weekend.

Sarah said...

Yay for summer! xx

Rhonda said...

I took down my tree as soon as we were done opening presents. I was on a MISSION. lol

MandaPanda said...

Blogland is great for comiserating, huh? :)