Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One day closer

I am down to 5 days (4 if you don't include surgery day). As I have said, my doctor didn't require the pre op diet that most people had to do. He only requires all liquids the day before. I decided on my own to do the pre op diet...what in the hell was I thinking??? I am effing hungry dammit! But I have stuck to it. Why is my sense of smell so much better??? I can smell the teacher down the hall heating up her lunch...and she keeps her door closed! I am drooling when I see Burger King commerical (and I never even eat Burger King).

I am wondering...should I stick with this pre op diet (that I was not required to do), or should I go the Chinese Buffet and dive in head first??? I resisted all the Halloween candy, cupcakes, cookies, hot teacher, and and doughnuts...but should I just say eff it and eat what I want for the last few days???

Tell me what ya think.


Lolli said...

Honestly, if my doc hadn't required the 14day preop...i probably would've, but I'm glad he did bc it made week 1 so much easier. Sorry, I'm not rein to be a bad influence, just honest :)

XBIGJIMX said...

I would go ahead and eat , but I am an enabler. But i am eating what i want until the surgery. I even made a list of things to eat!

Robin said...

I say to hold on strong. The pre op diet will help you after surgery. Your system will be clean and you will have already "detoxed" and you can just focus on healing. Having to go through detox and pain is no bueno.

Nora said...

Hmmm, I wouldn't go overboard at this point... you have been doing well with the process. Remember, you can still eat everything post-surgery. You will just eat a heck of a lot less (and make better decisions bc losing weight will be the priority)!

Kristin said...

I would NOT break the cycle you are in. Pre Op diets are great for shrinking your liver. Trust me you want your liver out of the surgeons way when he puts on your band. We Americans have very large fatty livers because of our daily diets of unhealthy!

Speaking from experience here, since my surgeon nicked my spleen putting on my band. I am just saying.

If you have come this far, you will be sooooo glad you did this, less weight to lose and your body is cleansed of the crap. Hence why your sense of smell is heightened. Wait til you start to taste food will find things you used to hate you love and things you used to love you hate!

Great job sticking to it when Dr did not order you too!

Anonymous said...

Go to the buffet and eat. It is a long post-op recovery time. And one last plate full will not make or break you.

Rhonda said...

It's only 4-5 more days, hold strong! Your surgeon will be proud of the weight you've lost beforehand, and it'll put your liver in the best shape possible for surgery! :)

ocbandster said...

DON'T do it!!! Just because you can doesn't mean you will have to atone for those calories. Now, if you asked, should I have my favorite dessert tonight or 1 thing that maybe isn't the healthiest, I would say yes. You have to realize that the habits of hitting the buffet or eating ice cream from the carton (hmmm, who does that???? i have no idea but I have heard people do....ha ha) are still going to be there post band. YOU have to make the choices to consume in moderation. You know yourself. I didn't do the "last meal" prior to surgery, but I was working on living like a "bandster" (a self-imposed eating plan) for the 6 months BEFORE surgery just to see if I could follow the rules. Dr. just recommended a high protein diet the week before surgery for me.

Andrea said...

I would not go crazy! You do not want to undo all of the work you already have done and you might as well get used to it. I might think about 1 meal that is a favorite that you know you won't be able to have once you have the lap-band, but it's probably best to just stay on your diet.

Beth said...

Just my opinion, but I think you should stick to the restricted diet. Being one month out now I find that I lost more weight in the 2 weeks pre-op then I did post-op. Having that going in really helped me hold steady and not get too upset about "bandster hell" post op. That being said I don't think that giving yourself ONE treat, say one of those cupcakes you passed up, would be too bad. Just don't go into "last meal" mode.

Jazzing up Jackie said...

This is one of those "do as I say not as I do" things. I absolutely had the Last Supper syndrome. I didn't go completely crazy and indulge in everything in sight, but I did have a "last hoorah" if you will. However, my surgeon didn't require a pre-op diet either and I certainly didn't put myself on one. Since you've been doing so well with it, I say just hold out.