I'm back from the beach and back to reality. But let's be real...my reality is pretty damn good in the summer :)
I had a great time at the beach, but after a full week without The Rockstar, the boys, and Harleigh I was really starting to get homesick. It was pouring down rain when we left, so I really wasn't sad at all the day we left.
So let me tell you all about my vacay....
We left the night of my birthday. We drove for about 4 hours and then I started getting really sleepy. So we pulled over and got a room for the night. We got up at our leisure the next morning and got back on the road. We got to the beach in the early afternoon. We had some time to kill before check in so we went and bought some trashy books for the beach.
We got to the condo and immediately unpacked everything....
Yes, we did have enough flip flops for the beach :)
We went to dinner and then did the grocery shopping for the week. The next morning we got up and got ready for the beach. Every day we stayed on the beach all day.
We met new people every day. Some were very interesting....
Every night we got ready and hit the town. There was a lot of waiting by the elevators....
We went shopping every night. We also ate out every night.
I ate entirely too much junk while we gone. The snacking on the beach was a bit out of control....

It wasn't all fun and games the entire time. On our 3rd day there the water was very rough. In fact, they put up the red flags. If you don't know what they means, one red flag means the water is dangerous...it's probably best to stay out of it. Double red flags means you can't get in. Unfortunately, some people either don't know what the flags mean or they choose to ignore them. As we were sitting on the balcony drinking coffee (I actually had chocolate milk...she had coffee) I saw someone going out into the water. I made the comment that I couldn't believe someone would get in the water as rough as it was. Within minutes that person was pretty far out. I told my friend I knew he didn't mean to be that far out and I thought he was in trouble. I was right. The current had taken him out. The cabana boy went running out there trying to save him. Then another man went out. Then a lifeguard got there and went out. It was painful to sit on the balcony watching all of them struggle for their lives. They finally all got back to shore, but the teenager (the first person who had gone out) was lifeless. We watched as they performed CPR on him. We watched his mother sobbing uncontrollably. We watched as they took him off the beach to the ambulance. It was horrible and weighed very heavy on our minds all day.

Every time I saw a kid getting in the water I just wanted to punch the parents in the face. When the water is that rough even getting in up to your knees or ankles can be dangerous. The water can knock your feet out from under you. As we sat on the beach we watched another girl (probably around 10 or 11) go out in the water. Within seconds she was in trouble. Her mother ran out there to try and save her. The girl was hysterical and almost pulled her mother under water. The cabana boy went out there once again (same cabana boy) and saved the girl. Although she never lost consciousness like the first boy, they took her to hospital anyway to get checked out.
My bff's kids are grown (late teens/early 20's), but we told them they could not get in the water at all. So since we couldn't play in the water, we played in the sand...
Every night after we returned to the condo we would enjoy some adult beverages on the balcony...
On our last night there we hit up all the little souvenir shops. We don't usually buy much there, but we always have fun just looking at all the stuff...
Last year I gained 7 pounds in 7 days while on vacation. Since I also lost that 7 pounds within the 7 days after getting back, I have decided not to weigh myself for at least a week. Actually it will be more like 5 days since I have a doctor's apt on Friday.
I had a great time, but I am glad to be back home. I have no other immediate plans except to sleep late every day and lounge in the pool....aaahhhh, the life of a teacher in the summer :)